Archive for month: October, 2013

The joy of data analysis

24 Oct 2013

Music and snow.

Poke my eyes out

Perhaps your immediate response is: “I’d rather poke my eyes out with a burning stick than do data analysis.”

There’s a completely different reaction from a lot of people who have experienced data analysis.


It’s not entirely clear why humans like music so much. Part of it may be the guessing game we do.  We perceive a pattern in the music and guess where it will go next.  One of two things happens:

  • we are gratified to be right
  • we are surprised to be wrong

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A first step towards R from spreadsheets

16 Oct 2013

Move your data analysis to a computing environment specifically designed for it.

Why R and not spreadsheets?

Here are three reasons:

  • complexity
  • graphics
  • money

Spreadsheets are easily overwhelmed.  Very complex things can be done in spreadsheets — it is just that complex spreadsheets are inefficient and dangerous.

Graphics should be considered vital when doing anything with data.  R has amazing graphical capabilities. Read more →

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